Mendix Listen to widget

Hello Mx Community,   is it possible to select 2nd item  from listview on page load, so that the listen to widget – dataview can show the second item details ? by default listview select first item, i needed it like should be dynamic based on the some id. if id=2 or id=3 means it should be pre-select the 2nd row or 3rd row.   Thanks in advance
2 answers

Alas, that is not possible using the ‘listen-to’-logic that Mendix created. Your best shot is probably adding a Html-element, containing a javascript that triggers upon document-completion that clicks the second row of the list.



Hi Varun,


For wizard, you can use building blocks that are already available in the 9.5 version, and you download from marketplace component are available. 

For more details, you can also find it in the learning path. The-Wizard-Page


