How to add header sorting functionality in List View with datasource as microflow ?

Hello Experts, I have used the list view with data source as a microflow I want to add header sort for the same. Tried using the HEADER SORT WIDGET but it works only with the data source as database or xpath. Please let me know is there any other way to add header sort. Answers are really much appreciated!
1 answers

Hi Arun,

For this scenario, the only way is to have a Helper object, which has an enum attribute( Ascending, Descending),  your Ds microflow will have a Microflow parameter since the list view is put in a data view. whenever the button is being clicked refresh the parent Entity which is the helper entity, Which will fire the Ds microflow again. In your DS  you can retrieve the objects based on the enum value selected and then return it.

Hope it Works!!
