how to edit all text area at one place which we used in our application

In my application we are using instruction text  in many place and client wants to Update that text often by admin  , we can do this by giving editing rights only to admin but they don’t want to go every place and update them . we need a administrative page where we can able to edit all the text blocks then it should reflect automatically in every page. how to do this ? need a help from you all.   Thanks in advance
1 answers

Hi Sangeetha,

In order to use this you will have to use a snippet.

- Right click in the project explorer and create a snippet

- Create an entity where the text you want the admin to change is saved.

- Create one page where the admin can change this text.

- In the snippet you retrieve the entity where the text is saved and show this as a text.

- Replace all the places where you are currently using the text with the snippet.

Hope this helps!
