Hi, There is a bug with CK Editor widget i.e. we lose lose focus if we use two of them in same page. I found this question https://community.mendix.com/link/questions/97244 and I want to try the solution mentioned. I did the same in deployment folder and the solution was working, Now I need to do the same by editing CkEditor Widget. I tried by changing the .mpk to .zip then extracted and changed the content and finally zipped it back to mpk. But I am getting error It would be great if someone had a solution for this or if someone can suggest alternative way to edit the js file Thanks
Amal Joshy
1 answers
Hi Amal,
If you try to zip the contents of the folder rather than the folder itself then this error should be resolved.
Please try to zip the following folders. Maintain the same hierarchy when you unzipped the mpk file.