Unfortunately there’s no way you can do this currently, afaik. The workaround I often use is using a ListActionValue instead. See the documentation: https://docs.mendix.com/apidocs-mxsdk/apidocs/pluggable-widgets-client-apis-list-values/#listactionvalue
What I do is:
In Mendix:
- Add a “Dummy” object with an attribute that I want to pass as a parameter to the microflow / nanoflow
- Modify the microflow / nanoflow to accept the Dummy object as a parameter (instead of the String) & use the Dummy’s attribute instead of the String parameter.
In the widget:
- Add the Dummy object as a ListValue
- Add the Dummy object’s attribute as a ListAttributeValue
- Add the microflow / nanoflow as a ListActionValue that uses the ListValue of the dummy object
- Modify the Dummy object’s attribute ListAttributeValue to what I want to pass to the microflow.
- Execute the ListActionValue on the ListValue of the Dummy object.
It’s not optimal.. But it does work.