text-overflow: ellipsis on table

Hi experts,   Is it possible to apply the styles below to “table”? It seems mendix applies these style to “datagrid” , but not to a  “table” -text-overflow: ellipsis; -white-space: nowrap; -overflow: hidden;   I have tried pasting these styles to rows, table itself, but unfortunately its not working. Any reaction would be helpful,   Thank  you in advance, Yuki   This is how we look on DataGrid.   How it looks on table
2 answers

Hi Yuki,

I think this StackOverflow post explains it best: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9789723/css-text-overflow-in-a-table-cell

Hope that helps, and feel free to reach out if it's not working.


Hi Yuki,

You will need to have this custom class in a container inside a table cell. 


Hope, it would help to resolve your issue… Thanks!

