I have built a pluggable widget like that: In the component: After that, I run the commend: npm run build in Visual Studio Code to build the widget. I added it in widget files in your Project. And I can run locally my app to show my project: But I don’t see the console.log in Console Tab. If the widget is running, it must console log : “I want to the console.log in Browser of Google” Who can I help me. Thanks in advance!
Duong Nguyen
4 answers
Not sure how correct this is – but have you tried console.warn() instead of console.log()? I happen to remember that console.log() gets suppressed by mxui.js (or a similar Mendix js file).
If that doesn’t work then something is wrong with your code itself.
Ilja Cuvasov
To see logs created with console.log(‘my message’) you need to set the log level of the Client to Trace
David Verstricht
Ajay Chimanpure
Hi Duong, console.log() is the right function to use. The reason the code is not running is likely in another part of your widget.