Widget Container3D container3D1 cannot contain widgets of type drop-down button / column chart etc.

i have a customized(Pluggable) widget named Container3D which is very simple, it’s just a div + global context for my viewer app.   Ideally i want the Container3D be the root element of my app, but the mendix give error on many cases when i drag mendix widgets into my app, such as:   42    Widget Container3D 'container3D1' cannot contain widgets of type drop-down button    Widgets container 'Content' of container3D 'container3D1'    Page 'HomePage'    ViewerIntegration   43    Widget Container3D 'container3D1' cannot contain widgets of type column chart    Widgets container 'Content' of container3D 'container3D1'    Page 'HomePage'    ViewerIntegration     why give me this error, can you guys/experts give some clue? whether it’s my Container3D issue? or mendix widgets issue which can only be inserted into some sort of containers?
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