List view buttons that change status.

Hi, I`m working with a list view which shows all the ideas that have been submitted. I want to be able to change  the status of the idea by clicking on three seperate buttons. As for now I have used three radio buttons to  select the status and this is outside the list view.   How can I place the three buttons on the ideas so I can change the status of every idea.   (In the image I added I showed how I want it to look like.)   Thanks in advance!    
3 answers


You need to create a new microflow yourself. Something like this:


You should be able to drop “call microflow buttons” inside the widget like this:

The microflow can then do the status update.

Is that what you are looking for?


In case of a list view, you will need to put the buttons inside of the list view entry, roughly at the same location as the radio buttons are.

Maybe using a template grid instead would better suit you purpose?

I hope this helps.
