Hi Team, I am using progress circle widget in one of my project but i am unaware about how to configure it . Scenario – on page i am calculating percentage on widget using status of enumeration type attribute, values of status attributes are Unassigned, Assigned, InProgress, Completed. So here i am calculating total no of unassigned , assigned, inprogress, completed records. as i know about static tab of this widget i want to know about dynamic and expression because my data is dynamic.
Prajakta Vathare
2 answers
Hi Prajakta,
I think you are best off using a non-persistent entity with the attributes MinimumValue, MaximumValue and CurrentValue.
Easiest to read would be a percentage MinimumValue = 0, MaximumValue = 100.
Then the current value could be the completed records divided by all records times a hundred (Completed/All * 100), rounded to an integer if needed.
Thomas Goudriaan
Or use the step wizard to setup your project. Each page will have a progress bar that will fill up the further the steps are completed.