Why I am getting this error    DEPRECATED: direct usage of List attribute MyFirstModule.Step_GanttDetails.customLabel9//assetId as a function, use .get() instead -- will be removed in version: 10.0

Hi, I am using custom widget built in react in my mendix application where i am getting mxui.js?637908125891694964:66                  DEPRECATED: direct usage of List attribute "4.MyFirstModule.Step_GanttDetails.customLabel9//assetId" as a function, use .get() instead -- will be removed in version: 10.0 for each and every place wherever I am using this custom widget.Need to remove this error.Can anybody help me on this. my widget looks like –   
1 answers

It seems that the widget is using a particular java class/asset that will be deprecated in a future version. That's why you're getting this warning. Keep using this widget means that after Mendix 10 the widget won’t work properly.

Updating the widget before Mendix 10 is the only viable option (been there, done that!)
