How to set default selected value in AutoComplete Widget

Hi Everyone, I’m using AutoComplete Widget in which we can able to search dropdown value but initially if I was already selected any value in dropdown and I want that to automatically populated as default selected then how can I achieve in this widget. Please find below my example(Issue)   Initially my Dropdown is loading like this    If I select “Care Manager” and store it to data base.   And when I come back to the same entry then It should by default select the “Care Manager” only but its is not selecting it.     Can anyone please suggest me the way by which I can achieve this functionality.
2 answers

This isn't related to the widget. 

By default your desired behavior should be applied.

So my guess is that the context object in the enclosing dataview isn't the same the second time.

Or the reference is empty somewhere in the navigation logic


Hi Somnath,

As Rene mentioned this is not the widget issue. While navigating to the reference selector page again, make sure the reference is not changed elsewhere.


