How to use filter in a list view

Hi,   Does anybody know how I can use a filter in a list view? I want to filter based on status, so when the status had been changed to “Approved” for example I want to be able to filter on Approved and see the ideas with this status.   Thank you in advance!
2 answers

HI Laila Eki,
There Used to be a widget List View Controls, but it is Deprecated now.  I would suggest you can take a look at DataGrid2, which is more customizable. 

List View Controls :



For an enumeration there is no other option than creating a helper-entity having the Status-enumeration as attribute, where the user can set a (couple of) value(s), a button ‘Filter’ and a microflow that makes the listview refresh its datasource.

But you might want to try the Gallery and it’s filter capabilities:

And for the filter field, do set the automatic options to ‘yes’:

Filter-setting is like this:
