Reactive state in dataView without the possibility to listen to listViewWidget.

Hi, I use the Draganddropwidget – by Mendix – from Marketplace to sort Items. When the user clicks on some {PosTxt} in Draganddropwidget – the container  gives me a »on click« where i can use a nanoflow (PWA!) – i need to display  the clicked/selected entity in DataView on the same page! I maybe may have to use a helper entity if possible but wonder if there is  kind of event bus or reactivity, observable baked into mendix? Are there any solutions, this use isn’t really an edge case imo.   Draganddropwidget cannot be listened to by other widgets.  
1 answers

Maybe you can use an visibility boolean together with the nanoflow, that will refresh the page and at the same time trigger a datasource microflow?


This way the dataview is refreshed with the most recent context? (no experience with the drag and drop btw)

