Can we use Gojs in mendix widget development?

I am building widget where I need to show diagrams and tree structure. I have added Gojs and gojs-react npm packages as per documentation to my project but when Im building  widget and using it in my mendix project, I’m getting below error. Error on web page Error in the browser console   I’m new to mendix widget development and I would like know whether we can use gojs & gojs-react npm packages in mendix widget development. (I dont want to use any other packages/libraries for my requirement only Gojs.)   Thanks
1 answers

Hi Manohar,


Yes it is definitely possible to use Gojs. I do remember that I had an issue with it as well, that there was an issue with importing the libraries through npm libs. I in the end needed to add the go.js as a normal file in my src folder and importing the file from there. In that local file I need to adjust the define go as specified by Bart in the forum post here:


Hope this will also help you!
