Mendix calender widget

Hello, We are trying to apply the calender widget in a mendix project, but we don't know exactly how it works. We have an assignment were we need to create a website for a psychiactric ward and we want the patients to be able to view their own calenders. We have an entity called ‘ActivityPerformance’ with information on when the activities will take place. It has the attribute ‘ActivityDate’ which needs to be added to the calender. We tried doing this by filtering the list of ActivityPerformances by patient in a microflow, and use this microflow as the datasource of the calender. However, this doesn't work. Can anyone help us?   Thanks in advance!   Edit 1:
2 answers

Hi Bart,


in this you need to provide event entity, in your scenario it is ActivityPerformance and you have to provide start and end attribute which denotes event start and end datetime.


Hi Bart,

You may tray filtering in the Widget using XPath expession:

[System.owner = '[%CurrentUser%]']

Or equivalent Attribute where you store the Owner of ActivityPerformance 
