Data Grid 2: Sort columns in cascading order

Hello I have a question, I have a column “Project” and a column “start date” for various tasks in data grid 2. How do I set up the default sort upon opening the page so that the Projects are first sorted by name “so Project A first, then Project B” and a second sort by start date “Project A is sorted from earliest to latest, then Project B from earliest to latest”   Is there a way to achieve this in data grid 2? At the moment I can only sort the entire table by one attribute …
4 answers

It is a bit hidden in Data Grid 2, but sort order is available under Data source, but only if the source is either Database or XPath:


I might not understand your question correctly, but when using a data grid, you should be able to use multiple sort options:

If you double click the "sort order” option in the grid, above screen should open

So first, the project and then the start date should archieve what you’re looking for. 


Otherwise you should use a data source microflow and use the “sort” function to create the proper sorting.


In Datagrid-2 also, The sort option is available.
In General tab of Datagrid-2,  Datasource--> Edit--> Sort-order---> Edit….


Here you can define multiple sort order based on requirement.



Hi everyone,

Thanks for sharing these tips. I'm also working with Data Grid 2 and need to set up a default sort order for multiple columns. Could someone confirm if the sort-order setup works seamlessly for both database and XPath sources?
