Mendix Autocomplete field ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES.

Hi I’m a new Mendix Dev.   I have a field on my site that is using the ‘Auto Complete for Mendix’ widget. This field has minimum of 3 char input. When inputting certain search strings I am getting a connection error message and the Google Chrome console has 834 repeating errors coming from the mxui.js script. I believe this may be to do with there being lots of results or something and the server is failing. I’m not however getting this when using a back up of the production data on my local machine.    It could be a infrastructure issue on the production side. Wondering if anyone has come across this before and where the best place to look for fixes is. I’ve attached the devtools console output. 
1 answers

More number of data will not be a cause for this error . Connection error usually occurs when the applocation server is not running. Just confirm that your application is running or not.
