Google Maps with Directions functionality

Is there a standard solution to implement the Google Maps Directions functionality within Mendix? So far I managed to plot locations on the map but it seems that all available Google Maps widgets are quite limited and that there is no possible way to implement the functionality of the Directions API. I would love to show a route on the map that shows the most efficiënt way to go from point A to point B.
1 answers

HI Martijn Muskens

You can achieve this map direction using google Api.

Create an account  in the google cloud console 
Follow this procedure  to create an account: 

To create API key  check this link : 

In the 3rd step, you can find Enable API option in which you can add google direction.

After enabling this copy the api and paste it into the map widget. 

Note:: It is the paid process

 Refer to this for Link Free Process 

I hope it helps
