Hi there, I am trying to display a “Euro” sign in the aggregate part of a data grid. I allready have a scss class calle “Euro” .Euro :before{ content: '€ '; } Witch displays all the Euro signs in the grid, part from the aggregate part. Can someone explain to me how i can get thet euro sign in the aggregate part of the data grid?
jasper voerman
2 answers
Hi Jasper,
What you can do is check in dev mode of the Browser what element this is and then add a class to this element aswell in your style sheets.
Good luck
Gr. Mark
Mark van Amstel
Hi Jasper,
I am trying to put a euro sign in a column that should contain a decimal value. I found your question here but don't know where should I put the scss class you mentioned. Is it possible for you to provide some details about it?