getting criss-cross line when I try to show two line in any chart widget

I am using two data to show two line in any chart widget. when I implemented this I got the criss cross line.  I am using this type of a  syntax  [ {   "type": "scatter",   "x": [ "2022-05-5", "2022-05-06", "2022-05-07", "2022-05-08", "2022-05-09" ],   "y": [ 5, 20, 12, 14, 14 ],   "name" : "Temperature" }, {   "type": "scatter",   "x": [ "2022-05-5", "2022-05-06", "2022-05-07", "2022-05-08", "2022-05-09" ],   "y": [ 45, 30, 70, 80, 50 ],   "name" : "Temperature2" }, ] the niddle point show the date 21sep 10:33:32 Does anyone know how to remove this criss cross line.
1 answers

I tried it and its working fine. Which version chart widget are you using? I am using latest version


  "name": "Temperature",
  "type": "scatter",
  "x": ["2022-05-5", "2022-05-06", "2022-05-07", "2022-05-08", "2022-05-09"],
  "y": [5, 20, 12, 14, 14]


  "name": "Temperature2",
  "type": "scatter",
  "x": ["2022-05-5", "2022-05-06", "2022-05-07", "2022-05-08", "2022-05-09"],
  "y": [45, 30, 70, 80, 50]



