Cant get Signature widget or Native Signature widget working in Native app in Mx 9
Hi all, Does anybody know how to configure the Signature widget for Mx 9? In my save nanoflow, nothing happens and signature is not saved at all. It looks like the flow isn't started, because i have also a close page in it which not happens. Debugger is not working, I tried Mendix Signature widget and Native Signature widget from Aiden(IT Visor) I've created a entitiy Signature with system.Image generalization and a attribute Base64String. Which steps do i have to take to save my created signature? I have a RetrieveOrCreate flow before the page below to create the object: In my save microflow, i have a commit and close page but it's not closing at all. If i change my microflow to Save Changes, also nothing happens. Can someone guide me through this? Thanks in advance for your help!