Export to Excel Taking long time

Hello team, I am using a data grid with default export to excel. As i want the excel of filtered list which is not possible in list view. I have more than 18000 records. It is taking 3 – 4 minutes. I am using associated attributes in my data grid. Please suggest me the solution to reduce this time.
1 answers

Depends how many attributes are on your datagrid, but if there are a lot, 18,000 records will take some time.  Also, your internet connection speed could be part of the slowdown.  Some things to try that may help:

  • Download fewer records and/or fewer attributes
  • Try the Data Grid Search Filters widget in the Marketplace
  • Export as CSV
  • Provide access to your data via a published REST service so the data can be opened in Excel directly without downloading
  • Create the file with Excel Exporter and then Zip it before downloading

Hope those give you some ideas to get started.
