Data grid comes with search Button which filters the attribute values but one of the attribute which i kept dropdown is not giving list of enum values

have two entities in weekly Order Supply request there is a order review status (Enum) attribute when I added in datagrid search Filters i am not getting the dropdown list with values       Below  are enumerartion values  Datagrid: So, dropdown list is empty on order review status .. Can anyone give me solution    
2 answers

Hi Pragathi, 

if the filter option is set via Association ( The Enumeration value is from another entity), only the Enumeration values saved in the database will be shown in the drop-down.


Ex:  Let’s assume you  are having 15 comparatorRequest objects and only one comparatorRequest object has an association with WeeklyOrderSupplyRequest entity and with the Enumeration value selected as ‘Forecast to BAP’. The drop-down in your Datagrid will now show ‘Forecast to BAP’.

The reason is that since the filter is Via association, some values must be stored in the association for the value to show in the drop-down.


I hope you have a clear understanding now.


Hi Pragathi,

Can you show your enumeration and data grid?
