RichText outside the area where it should be (bug/error?)

I have a problem with the placement of RichText on the form - unfortunately the size makes the widget stick out of the specified range (regardless of whether it is placed in the table or layout grid). It seems to me that it only fits when the height is not set (actually setting the height as a percentage of the width has no effect) but then only one line of text is visible and this is generally very uncomfortable for the user. Does anyone know how to set this widget so that it displays correctly and doesn't "overhang the area" (limited by table, group box or anything else that gives this limitation :P)    Mendix 9.21
3 answers

Have you tried settings it to pixels and %, make sure when you use the % dont go over 100%.


@Armand sorry I’m ansearing here but only here I can show you what is going on then :)


Does anyone have any idea what is going on? Is it a bug with Mendix Studio, the widget or am I setting something wrong? :)
