Get context object in HTMLSnippet with External File

I am trying to use context objects in JavaScript with "HTMLSnippet with Context". I finally got it to work, thanks to Rik Bos's comments in this post ( // Get the context of the HTMLsnippet Widget. var context = this.mxcontext; // Get the MxObject of the context var contextObj = context.getTrackObject();   This only works if the JavaScript is written directly in the Contents of the Widget. But for External File, it did not work, because the "this" keyword indicates a Window object, so "this.mxcontext" is undefined.   For maintainability, I want to write the JavaScript in the External File. Does anyone have a good solution?  
2 answers

Normally you maintain all model settings and even code in widgets in the modeler. So you may reconsider your opion about high or low maintainability, because external files have no Mendix context possibilities.


I have asked support and they say this is not possible at the moment.
