Dynamic HTML with Format String

Hi,   I need to display a HTML document within a website. The HTML code is coming from an external source and stored in npn-persistent entity as an attribute.   From my understanding and based on other forum entries, this can be achieved with the Format String widget. Unfortunately, it only displays the HTML but does not render it. My setup:     The HTML code is working and is correctly displayed with the HTMLSnippet widget but that cannot be populated with an attribute.   Thanks!
2 answers

Check out the HTML Element widget: https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/204843



Hello Erwin,


Im not familiar with the Format String widget, but according to the documentation there should be an option called ‘Render value as HTML’ under the Data Source tab.
Docs - Format String


If that doesnt work, perhaps you could try using the HTMLSnippet but modifying the HTML in a microflow to include your attribute. The Community Commons module has a stringToFile method, it might be possible to build the HTML as a string and then store it in an HTML-file that is used in the widget.

Ill emphasize that this is mere speculation on my end though.

Best of luck! 
