How to filter right [Microflow/Expression]

Hey community,    I’m developing my first App in Mendix and I’m having some trouble showing/accessing the right data from my domain model. On the Screenshot you can see a snippet of my Domain Model. The UsersAccount entity referes to Administration.Account which is a specialization of System.User. The goal of the App is to track tasks and assign them to users.  Everyone can see all tasks but can only edit tasks of which he is the owner or he is assigned as a Teammember (Association: Task_UserAccount). Therefore I build pages where the tasks are visible and now I want to trigger conditional visibility on the action buttons. For now I have the folowing:   The part for the System.owner works like a charm, but how do I filter the assigned accounts the right way? I can’t access the Association deeper then one level. How can I fix this or how can I achieve the conditional visibility so that only assigned members can edit entities?
1 answers

You can better address who can delete or create entities in the access rules tab of the entity itself.

Go to your domain model, open an entity, and go to the access rules tab.



Furthermore, to check whether someone is the ‘owner’ through the relationship between task_useraccount, you need to go one relationship further (to the administration.account). There you can check if that relationship = [%CurrentUser%]


Example: $currenctObject/Task_UserAccount/(=> refer further to Administration.Account) = '[%CurrentUser%']
