Render Datepicker on pluggable widget

Hi Guys,   I am having a requirement of rendering mendix default datepicker inside one of the custom widget developed. I have rendered it based on below pluggable widget property type.   type="widgets"   I need to pass and set the date value from custom widget to mendix default datepicker widget while rendering. I didn't find any methods to set and pass the values to datepicker from custom widget.   Below are the only apis I can see while inspecting on console, and I didn't find any methods to set and pass the values to mendix date picker from custom widget while rendering. [     {         "key": "118.ChecklistManager.Checklist_Dashboard.datePickerTimeline$formGroup",         "ref": null,         "props": {             "$widgetId": "118.ChecklistManager.Checklist_Dashboard.datePickerTimeline$formGroup",             "class": "mx-name-datePickerTimeline rad-datepicker spacing-inner-bottom-large mx-datepicker",             "style": {                 "top": "-7px"             },             "control": [                 {                     "key": "118.ChecklistManager.Checklist_Dashboard.datePickerTimeline",                     "ref": null,                     "props": {                         "$widgetId": "118.ChecklistManager.Checklist_Dashboard.datePickerTimeline",                         "mode": "date",                         "showCalendarButton": true,                         "inputValue": {},                         "placeholder": {},                         "buttonLabel": {},                         "readOnlyStyle": "control",                         "id": {}                     },                     "_owner": null                 }             ],             "caption": {},             "labelFor": {},             "width": 3,             "orientation": "horizontal",             "hasError": {}         },         "_owner": null     } ]   Please let me know if there is any way to achieve this.   Thanks in advance
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