Search bar for Gallery

Hi all,   I want to add a search bar to Gallery. I used a List View before, which made it easy for me to use a Search bar by default, but I need to use a Gallery now instead. However, as far as I can see now, there is no default way to make a Gallery ‘searchable’. Can anyone help me out?   Thanks in advance,   Toon ter Horst
1 answers

Hi Toon,


The new set of data container widgets (Datagrid2, Gallery, etc.) don’t work with existing third party marketplace search widgets. However, they have a new out of the box search function built into them.

In their properties they have a ‘Filtering’ tab.  There you can enable filtering and set the searchable attributes.  Then you will need to place relevant filtering widgets(matched to the searchable attributes data type) in the header area of the Gallery.

There are more details in the documentation here:


Hope this helps

