Hey all, I am trying to export a employee table (‘Mitarbeiter’) as an excel file. The entity has a one to one relation to another entity called ‘Stelle’. Over this relationship I want to receive the information OrgUnit. It works perfectly when I am running the application locally, but on the cloud I receive following error message: Entity 'Core.Stelle' is not a generalization nor specialization of entity 'Core.Mitarbeiter' while traversing association 'Core.Mitarbeiter_Stelle' from 'Core.Stelle' and can't find entity by name 'a4e2fad2b' in domain model and can't find association with name 'a4e2fad2b' in entities 'a2668f9bd' (alias for 'Core.Mitarbeiter'), 'a4e2fad2b' (alias for 'Core.Stelle'), 'a057fb8c1' (alias for 'Core.OrgUnit') while parsing path 'a4e2fad2b/Core.Mitarbeiter_Stelle/Core.Stelle'\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2023-04-05T08:30:43.415463605Z"} Can someone give me an explanation why this is happening?
Nick Thomas
1 answers
Are you using the excel export button on a grid or a module from the appstore?
If the latter is the case it could be an issue with the model reflection module not being sync to the latest version of your module.