Hello Simran,
Use dev tools in your browser and inspect the bar.
Find the class on which css is applied for the bar and change the background color.
Hope my answer helps, If something needed reach me out.
See the documentation here: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/charts-configuration/ and here: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/charts-advanced-cheat-sheet/
The widget configuration gives you options to theme the UI of the Bars(in your case, same for other types of charts too)
see this link : https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/charts-configuration/#35-bar-chart
this is for Bar chart.
for advanced theming options check this link: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/charts-configuration/#4-chart-theming
Hi Simran Momin,
if you are using any 3rd party charts using Js snippet calls, you can directly type [color:’red’]
if not check the source file for it and add color for each bars..