Reset the reactdatetimepicker widet

HI ,  I am facing some problem to clear the data ,  any suggest or any idea ,    Case 1: in this image i had select the date . and it working fine   Case 2:  when i click the clear the date time or reset this page the data is gone. and its showing placeholder   case 3 : In this case i am getting a problem , if somebody enters any word, and tries to clear the page, that field is gone for Read-only and, the data is not removed. i had given the validation also but i want o clear the page before the validation, so I had created a button for clear the all the data  , when i select the data format at that time its clear the field but when i give the input to chars, it dont clear the field and the box covvent into read only ;.   I AM USING   REACT-DATETIME-PICKER WIDGET   Thanks in advance ,  Sujat       
1 answers

Hello Sujat,


The clearing will not work when anything other than a date is entered because the entity will still consider the attribute as empty.


You can try to use a Date Picker widget given by Mendix which has validation option built into it so that nobody can enter any other data into the field.

