How to handle tooltip widget on empty field in datagrid 2

I have Scenario where I have a data grid 2 ,so if the field is empty the tool tip is displaying, I want to hide the tooltip if the field is empty and here it is not a direct attribute .
2 answers

Maybe can add a boolean attribute (name may be noDummyContent or sth else) in Device Entity to control the display or not.


For example as the following step:

  1. the Device Retrive Microflow can check if the field should be empty and change the noDummyContent value;
  2. put a Container in the Data View and move the Tooltip Widget into the Container;
  3. set the Container’s Visibilty to display or hide it base on the noDummyContent value.


Please let me know if it runs fine or not. Thanks.


Hi Bhavana,


as Gavin suggested, you can use a container to apply conditional visibility. 

Although in my opinion you should use a visibility constraint here, instead of creating a boolean for a simple action like this.
