Data source is cleared after Searchable Selector update

I have a rather specific problem. I have been using Searchable Selector in my project for a long time. I haven't updated it in a while and was using version 1.42 in the project. For obvious reasons, I thought it would be a good idea to update it to the latest version 2.4.0 Unfortunately, the way the widget works has changed a lot. I use it more than 70 times in my project in different places but after the update the data sources settings (giving a choice for enumaration for example) has changed, or rather it’s empty now. Unfortunately, this resulted in the removal of all previous settings in every widget used.   What I had:   What I have:   Of course I can restore the old version of the widget but is there any way to update without losing all the settings? Manually setting all the fields in over 70 places is giving me sleepless nights
2 answers

if you select Selection Type reference, can you still configure it the way you used to? I suspect the widget has just expanded its functionality


Yes, of course I can configure everything from the beginning but the question is whether it is possible to go through this process painlessly?

Reconfiguring so many widgets from the beginning will take a lot of time
