put validation on field

i have input field  i want to put the validation so that user will not able to fill emoji
3 answers

Hi Rachana,

you can add validation on the page,microflow and in domain model


Refer the below documentation 



Also, check the below forum link



Hi Rachana,

I’d suggest validating user input using a Regex. You can either whitelist allowed symbols or blacklist disallowed symbols. The most failsafe method is probably to whitelist all characters that you allow in your input field. 


Hi Rachana,


You will need to make a microflow for this validation.

For example, you press save and the microflow checks via a Regex if there isn't an emoji in the string. If not, then you commit the object and show the next screen. If there is, you can show a validation message and end the flow. You can use this Regex: 




  • ^ asserts the start of the string.
  • (?:(?![\p{Emoji}]).)* is a non-capturing group that matches any character as long as it is not an emoji character. [\p{Emoji}] matches any emoji character using the Unicode property \p{Emoji}.
  • .* matches any number of characters.
  • $ asserts the end of the string.


Or this: 





  • ^ asserts the start of the string.
  • [\p{L}\p{N}\p{P}\s] matches any Unicode letter (\p{L}), number (\p{N}), punctuation (\p{P}), or whitespace (\s) character.
  • + allows one or more occurrences of the previous character set.
  • $ asserts the end of the string.


I have not tested these XPath's so make sure to do so yourself.
