Fill a custom excel form from data in DB

Hello Team, I have a requirement that I need to fill few fields in an excel form from data available in DB and download. I am aware of basic excel export where I can configure columns and export data in a tabular structure. But is it possible to export data to a custom formated form like below
1 answers

Hi Nidhin Vijay,

It is not possible to create custom Excel formatting and styling similar to your use case with the default excel export module. 

But, yes it is possible to create a custom Excel sheet in Mendix with the use of custom java action. We have created a custom Excel with dynamic columns in one of our projects, by creating a custom java action with apache poi jar library. 

Apache poi library will be part of your project if you have downloaded Excel exporter module. 

Note: Send the file document object to the java action and save your created Excel file in the file document.


Apache poi References :


Good luck with the implementation!!!

