Ridiculous problem with the Rich Text widget - doesnt load on the page

I have a problem regarding the Rich Text widget, which in structure mode and design mode looks correct but when I launch the page it has trouble loading.   Structure Mode: Design Mode: But on page: The value I am trying to display exists.   But even if it does, in the case where it is empty there is not even a loading animation.   I have tried deleting the widget from app directory and reinstalling it - this does not help.   Perhaps there is a problem elsewhere?   Preventing questions: I can't use CKE because my form widgets are in the fieldset content, which doesn't allow a lot of widgets to be displayed outside of the default ones.   To be honest I noticed this problem a few months ago but until now I haven't had to use this or a similar widget.
3 answers

One thing to check would be the console in your browser’s development tools. As widgets are JavaScript based, you may find an error message in there that may explain what is happening. 

Good luck!


Unfortunately, the console does not indicate any errors (both application console and deveoper console widget) related to this widget. For a few, a message like this appears

but it applies to other widgets

I am sure there is something wrong with the application itself. I've created a new clean project and the widget is working fine there.

Perhaps in the course of the project, and I've been sitting on it for a long time, something has changed and now there are adventures?

I'm wondering if it's still possible to 'reset' something within this widget other than the fact that it has been removed from the widdgets folder. Perhaps there is a conflict with another component? Or (although I doubt it), some CSS style? (although I'm only using Atlas' standard settings).


I ran into the same issue. Turns out, the user role didn't have read permissions for the data source value attribute in the rich text editor. Once I sorted that out and gave the role the read permissions it needed, everything started working again.
