Switch Case

How to add a switch case in mendix. I have 5 different microflows and i have to pass it through one flow via a switchcse. Is there some way to acheive this/ is there some widget for switch ?  
3 answers

Hi Omkar,


Unfortunately, there is no out of the box switch case in Mendix.


However, if you base your case value on an enumeration-value then you can set the expression of the exclusive split value to the enumeration value. This will change your available outcomes to the different enumeration values.


Hope it helps


If i understood the question correctly, one way is to > create ENUM with 5 values and Pass it to “Decision” as expression and proceed to execute microflows based on condition values. like below


Hi Omkar,

Use an Exclusive Split activity to define conditions for each case and connect them to respective microflows. Pass necessary parameters and implement specific logic in each microflow. This allows you to route the flow based on conditions, simulating a switch case behavior.
