First create your domain model
Then create a page and place the Native calendar widget inside data view
In the Dataview → Create a nanoflow (Create_Calendar_State_NF)→ create CalendarState object and commit & return it
On click of Calendar widget → call a nanoflow (On_Date_Press_NF) =>
In On_Press_Date_Create page :
On click of save button, do validations as per your requirement & save the changes.
Hope it helps!
Hello again!
I have followed all the steps, when I start the application, the calendar is displayed correctly, but the moment I press a date, the window to add an event opens and from there the calendar breaks.
Open the project:
Clicking in a Date:
Event Added:
In Mendix Studio:
My steps to use Native Calendar:
- Calendar Widget inside a Data View:
- Create_Calendar_State_NF:
- On_Date_Press_NF:
- On_Press_Date_Create Page:
I don't find more information, I don't know if it is possible to use it in Mendix 10.8 or this widget is deprecated.
Thanks you so much!