8.18.24 removed support for the FileID parameter in the File API. Is there a workaround?

Let me start by saying that I don’t have much experience with FileIDs or the File API. I see that Mendix 8.18.24 removed support for the FileID parameter in the File API. This led one of my widgets to stop working, the TimeSeries widget “Planview,” not available in the Mendix Marketplace. The widget takes in and displays a PDF file, which can no longer load. The web page reads “Failed to load PDF file.” Are there any possible workarounds? It’s an older/obscure widget, so it’s not a matter of simply updating it. Please offer any advice if you can. Thank you!  
1 answers

Hi Andrew,

You can still access the file with {BaseURL}/file?guid={GUID_of_FileDocument}. Perhaps this helps in updating the widget.


For a demo application, we used this URL in combination with the IFrame Component widget to show PDFs in a Mendix application. However, we only used this on localhost and didn't test this for MendixCloud. It is possible this doesn't work in the Cloud unless you allow iframes (doc).


I will share some screenshots of the set-up with IFrame Component, perhaps it helps:

IframeSrc is filled this way:

Hope this helps!
