Rich text widget not working for bullet point. Im getting HTML data rather than actual normal text for bullet point.

Hello Team,   I’m working on rich text widget & I want to convert HTML data to normal text after using bullet point in rich text widget. I used HTMLTOPLAIN Java Action in community commons but it is only converting normal text not bullet points. Can anyone please suggest solution for how to convert HTML data to normal text for bullet point as well ? I’m unable to remove HTML content from description box if I use bullet point in rich text as you can see in below image. Can anybody please suggest me something on it ? It would be really helpful.
3 answers

Hi Shubham,


You can use the widget named HTML Element. Instead of normal text passing you can pass that attribute in to this widget.


Widget link:


Please let me, if it is worked for you or not.





I did a short test with the “Copy from html text” button from the email template module. It does the following:



Plain Text


the bullet points in the plain text will just be one word. Not ideal, I guess. This is what the microflow does/which JA is used there:


After saving the html content in db when you try to display the same on the screen. It just removes the bullet points for unordered list and displays an empty space in its place
