Find multiple entries with textfilter in datagrid2?

Hi Everyone,   Is there a way to search for multiple entries in the same column using the Text Filter in Datagrid2?  Are there any search widgets or features where I can type “ABC123, ABC321” and it filters on column for only those records?  
3 answers

Hi Dominik,

If what you are trying to do is to search multiple attributes with the same search bar, you can try the following:

You would have to set the show header filters to Yes:

And then add the text box filter to search globally for those attributes:

I hope that solved your question, best regards!


Let me rephrase that question. I have a list of 4 records for example, and I want to filter that list using textfilter or similar widget. I want to filter the list to only have entries ABC123 and ABC321 displayed. Is this possible with the text filter widget or in someway possible using datagrid2?




Hi Dominik,


As per you requirement, yes it is possible to the filter out the same record like ABC123 & ABC321



Use text filter 



See the output result





