Hi, I am trying to use the com.mendix.charts.json file for the barchart configuration.Inside the file I have the following configuration. { "layout": { }, "configuration": { }, "charts": { "LineChart": { "layout": { }, "data": { }, "configuration": { } }, "AreaChart": { }, "BubbleChart": { }, "TimeSeries": { }, "ColumnChart": { }, "BarChart": { "layout": { "yaxis": { "automargin": true }, "xaxis": { "automargin": true } }, "data": { }, "configuration": { } }, "PieChart": { }, "HeatMap": { } } } The file is not doing what I want it to do. If I put the configuration that I have inside {"BarChart": { "layout"{}} inside the general layout{} it works but if it is as I have it now it doesn't. Does anyone know why this is happening? Does anyone have an example of how to edit this file? Thanks, Mikel Castro