How to create a custom Widget?

Hello, I would like to create a custom widget but following the guide on this link when I arrive to the part where I have to install the mendix generator widget it tells me that there isn’t a version of it, so it seems like it’s deprecated. Is there any solution for this? Like a new way to create custom widgets maybe or something else, thank you in advance
2 answers

Hey Raffaele!


Yeah the custom widgets are like the old version to create custom components.

Currently the best way to create a custom widget is through the pluggable widgets:

You can check that documention to learn how to make one. They are based on react and you create them for web and native applications.



Hello Raffaele, 


Besides the link posted by Emilio, there's a Learning Path about Custom Component Creation in Mendix


But It's still using 9.18.1, though.
