Ace Editor Widget results in a white page upon login

Hi everyone,   I have downloaded the Ace Editor widget and used it locally and it works. As soon as I deploy it to the testing environment, it results in a white page with the following errors: mxui.js?638330426565273329:5     GET xxx net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) mxui.js?638330426565273329:64 [Client] Error: scriptError:  xxx   at d (mxui.js?638330426565273329:5:553)    at HTMLScriptElement.<anonymous> (mxui.js?638330426565273329:5:13201) mxui.js?638330426565273329:64 [Client] Loading module failed! Check console log for more detailed debug information. Any help is highly appreciated.   Many thanks in advance, Georges
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