How to Observe Close Page Action and Retrieve Page History Arguments in Mendix?

Hello Mendix Experts, I'm currently working on a Mendix project and I've encountered a situation where I need to observe when the "Close Page" action is triggered and retrieve the arguments of the page that is being navigated to in the history. However, I couldn't find a straightforward API for this in the Mendix documentation. I am aware of the openForm API, which allows us to observe and retrieve arguments when navigating to a new page. However, it doesn't seem to cover scenarios where we close the current page and go back in the history. I also noticed the existence of the back() API in the Mendix documentation, which should logically handle going back in history. However, it doesn't seem to be triggered in the same way as openForm, and I'm unable to retrieve the arguments of the page in history when using back(). My objective is to observe when the "Close Page" action is triggered and get the arguments of the page in history that it is navigating to. This would be extremely helpful for handling specific scenarios in my Mendix application. Has anyone else encountered this issue or found a solution or workaround to achieve this? Any insights, suggestions, or examples would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance!
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