Uploaded Video Should able to Generate Link

Hi Folks,   Is there any possible while uploading Videos in browser(like below Screenshot) it should generate a Video link in Mendix?   Please suggest some answer!   Thanks in Advance!
2 answers

Hi Saranya,

As Harithra suggested, you can use the Deeplink module to achieve this requirement, 

in the deeplink Microflow, you can ask for the object id or a primary key,  and then based on that primary key, you can retrieve the object and show the video,


Steps for creation of the link,


You can use an Onchange microflow,on the uploader widget, and then create a link there itself,


Let me know, if you face any issues,

Hope it helps!!



Hi Saranya,


You can use the Deeplink module to generate a link to access the uploaded video on a page. 


Hope this helps!
