DataGrid 2 Filter options

Hello all,   Is there any way to implement a multiselect dropdown filter based on a list of strings in Datagrid2 like in DataGrid?   Background: At our customer we had DataGrid in use until recently. They wanted to be able to hide columns and change column sizes, which is why we switched to DataGrid2. It is essential for the customer that he can freely configure attributes, these are created via a list of strings. In DataGrid it was no problem to provide these as dropdown filters, but in DataGrid2 it is only possible to implement dropdown filters via Boolean or Enum.   Does anyone have a solution for me?   Thanks in advance!   Greetings Fynn  
1 answers



This is a model simulation of how a custom filtering mechanism should narrowly look like




I am using a searchable selector to multi select the options, by associating the option with a temporary entity





In the datasource of the grid2 (which is refreshing every second) I am just filtering based on the selection as you could inspect in the picture.
