Hos to style a Pie Chart Widget

Hello all, I have been trying to style a pie chart trough the Mendix v10.1.1 widget using the "Advanced " tag and I can only make some changes effective using a json object with  the example fields:   {  "font": {    "family": "Open Sans",    "size": 12,    "color": "#FFF"  },  "autosize": true,  "hovermode": "closest",  "hoverlabel": {    "bgcolor": "#888",    "bordercolor": "#888",    "font": {      "color": "#FFF"    }  },  "margin": {    "l": 60,    "r": 60,    "b": 60,    "t": 60,    "pad": 10  },  "showlegend": false,  "xaxis": {    "title": {},    "showgrid": false  },  "yaxis": {    "title": {},    "showgrid": false  },  "legend": {    "font": {      "family": "Open Sans",      "size": 14,      "color": "#555"    }  }   When I try to style the pie chart's slices colors using the toggle editor, "trace 0" category, I cannot make the changes effective usig in Mendix widget   Plus if I try some animation when clicking the pie's slices, I dont have flexibility to define that behaviour through the charts default widget.   Any ideia? Thanks in advance
1 answers


For the colour of the pie slices you want to edit the "piecolorway" attribute. I've recently made a video on this topic - I hope it helps Customize Charts in Mendix

Additionally, there are two levels for customizing the style of a chart. 1. Custom Layout - I think you're aware of this and 2. Custom Data elements. In my experience customizing the data elements can't be done with the standard chart widgets, but can be done using the AnyChart widget. 

Of course, the AnyChart widget requires significantly more setup, as it requires JSON to define every atribute. Luckily there's a decent tutorial on AnyChart setup here  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMzYrc9h6ZQ
